Hello, there!

I’m Susan. I look forward to hearing from you.

If you’re a Coach, Psychotherapist, or Consultant, we can focus on strategic mindset through business coaching and mentoring so that you can leverage your time and increase your revenues for maximum business growth.


Frequently Asked

Does Susan work with clients one-on-one?

Yes, Susan offers one-on-one sessions tailored to meet each client’s unique needs and goals. She believes in business coaching and mentoring to ensure the best outcomes for you.

Can Susan help me design and create a mastermind?

Absolutely! Susan has extensive experience in facilitating group dynamics and can assist you in designing and creating a mastermind group so that you get clients quickly and achieve business growth.

Can Susan help me get clear on pricing my coaching programs so I can get clients?

Definitely. Susan will start by helping you analyze your coaching services and market demands to establish pricing strategies that reflect the value of your offerings. Next she will help you master the psychology of selling so that you can maximize your business growth.

I have a unique niche and target market, can Susan help me get clients and build a mastermind for them?

Yes, Susan is skilled at working with diverse clients and unique niches. Through strategic mindset and experienced brainstorming, you will effectively reach and engage your specific niche and target market to get clients.

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5 Simple Steps To Create & Fill Your First Mastermind